For years Rob and I have gone to various parties (work related and other) and have put our name in the hat in hopes of winning a new TV, trip to Hawaii, blue ray DVD player or other exciting prizes. Every year we are again disappointed after getting our hopes up and still not winning. Now at any "prize lotteries" we go with almost a sure knowledge that we aren't going to win anything so as not to get our hopes up and then let down again in disappointment. It's to the point that we barely pay attention anymore because we are positive winning just won't happen. We often joke that we are always "unlucky" at these lottery/prize games. After all the odds of winning one of 30 prizes at a work party of 120 employees are much much higher than winning a sweepstakes of 1:1000,000 chance. At last years annual work party it occurred to me that we are probably the most lucky couple there, we had spontaneous triplets! Having spontaneous triplets is about 1:90,000 chance (according to my doctor), very rare! With the chances of winning such a "lottery" so low we were extremely fortunate and blessed. I don't mind if I never win a single TV, DVD player, or Hawaii trip again because I feel my "win" was by far the best of all.