
Monday, November 3, 2008


We got our very own first trick or treaters at our own house!!! It was so fun. We didn't get a lot of trick or treaters but we got a lot of people from our ward and other friends. Our dear friends the Hatchell's came as well as my siblings: Jacob, Lizzy, Ethan, Melissa and Russell. It was so fun. Our neighbors just a couple houses down totally out did us for decorations. Their front lawn looked awesome! They even had an old truck with the hood opened for a fog machine underneath so that it looked like the truck was smoking. Next year the competition is on!

Here are the pumpkins that Rob and I craved for FHE.

I was a pirate for Halloween. Rob was going ot be a pirate too - but he never actually put on his costume. Teton was a pirate too; See he even has the hat!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cute cotumes! and i can totally see you competing with the neighbors with decorations, lol!