On October 29th our little triplets turned one and we were able to celebrate by bringing them home from the hospital. Stephan was able to finally meet his little sisters. He just seemed curious, he didn't seem jealous at all. We barrow my mother in laws van because we didn't have a vehicle large enough to carry all of their car seats. Three nurses were needed to carry out all three car seats. So I walked with all three nurses each carrying a car seat - I got some good long looks. We were quite the procession.
I am still amazed by your triplets! Are you ever able to leave the house?
So I just noticed all this comments (hehe) I'm sorry I never responded! No I don't hardly ever leave the house. Its way too much work. I got shopping once a week and Rob and I try to go out for date nights with the quad stroller (hehe), so thats nice I'm glad he's always willing to make the effort to get out of the house.
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