
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Friday Deals

So Rob and I conveniently slept in on Black Friday but we still got some great deals. We finally got a glider (rocking chair) at Baby's R Us. They were 50% off! So we got a $300 chair and ottoman for $149.00, I'm so glad we didn't pay full price (we almost bought one a few months back) So glad we waited. I got a much needed hard drive, a little toy for Stephan (Reg 25.00 - we paid $9.99) for Christmas its a little train with a track and all. Its really cute - I can't wait to see him play with it. I'm trying to get 72 hour kits together so I was able to pick up some stuff for that for a good deal too. Got a bunch of other good deals on Christmas gifts but I can't say what they were in case the recipients read this. But I was tickled! It was such a fun day. I'm so glad Rob is so willing to go shopping with me.

We put up the Christmas Tree on Saturday, I need to work out some lighting issues. Its a pre-lit tree and the mid section of the tree lights don't work :(. Robs gone and I don't have a clue. Why is it all the technical things give me problems when he's not here to fix them for me? Last night the door lock decided to break and I was basically locked out in the cold with Stephan luckily I was able to drive to my moms and recruit my brother Jacob to come unscrew the door and get me back inside my house. Needless to say I really miss Rob when he leaves.

Robs is in Chicago. Scary drive home from Airport. It snowed about 5 inches last night. I had to take Rob to the airport so we left at 5:30am.

My sister Wendy had her baby yesterday morning. Her husband William finally got his little boy after two little girls :). Congrats you two!

Watched home videos today with Jacob and Lizzy. It was a hoot! So many things that you forget if you don't record them. So funny! My family is so cute.

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