Sunday, December 9, 2012
Bringing Down the Tree
So I took Liberty in the Kitchen today to feed her lunch, I left Lexy and Lily roaming in the livingroom within the gated area. I heard a loud “thump!” and ran back to the living room to see this:
And Lexy proclaiming "ought Oh!"
Poor Christmas Tree :(.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Survived Five Days without Rob
Thats right Rob went to Chicago for five days and I was all by myself with the four kids, well at least until I went to my parents for Sunday dinner and then just decided to stay for three days (hehe) It was nice. It was like a vacation because I had help while there. I was even able to sew Christmas stockings. The goal is to sew four one for each child. Here is a picture of the Stockings i made.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
In Honor of My Grandpa
My grandfather was a great man. He loved his family and he loved his grandchildren. Grandpa was a legend, he could tell the best cowboy stories ever! He was a man of faith and a man of God. He taught me so much he worked very very hard his whole life. He will be missed, but never forgotten.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
We have had a wonderful Halloween thus far this year. We went to a triplet group Halloween party, a ward Halloween rollar skating party and Rob's work Halloween party. Its been so fun!
Rob and I carved pumpkins - his is the scary looking one.
This is a picture of our faithful witch, keeping watch out in our front yard.
I cooked the pumpkins seeds too! Rob and I love pumpkin seeds.
We have a huge beautiful honeylocust in our front yard and I love the yellow fall color that it is right now.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Surprise Birthday Party
We through my mother a surprise birthday party! It was so fun and she was so excited. I brought cake and ice cream and we met and decked out her house in streamers and balloons while my step dad got her out of the house, then all of us hid in the kitchen with the lights off behind the counter. Stephan almost blew it, it was just wandering around when my mom came in but she only noticed him seconds before we all popped out yelling "Happy Birthday".
Easy Dinner
I was in a crunch and found this recipe for dinner last night. Its so fast to prepare then you bake it for an hour. I baked it for 60 minutes (instead of 50) and at set the oven temp at 450F (instead of 350), I put in 3 cups of veggies (instead of 2). Anyways its a recipe I defineately want to remember. It was delicious!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Family Pictures
We took family pictures last Saturday and I'm very happy with the way they turned out.
When I say we took family pictures that means we set up a tripod and used the piano bench and a bar stool to sit on :) but regardless I'm happy with how they turned out.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Termite Troubles
I hate termites. The idea of a little bug eating away at the wood in the walls of your home gives me the creeps! Not to mention how scary it is to learn that your home has had termites. How long have they been there? How much damage have they done? Is my house going to fall over? These are the first questions that ran through my mind when I first found out that our home had termites. Since that day I've learned a lot about termites. I will share what I have learned in the hopes that it will help out someone else out there. Termites live deep under a home, they can come in through a crack in the floor or walls of the basement. They drag mud up with them, the mud must stay wet for them to live. So usually where there are termites there is also a lot of mud. They can eat 5 lbs of wood a day. The Queen termite lives deep down in the soil - really deep anywhere from 50 to 100 ft below your house. Yes below your basement. From her nest deep below she spends the "worker" termites up to get food (wood) which they bring back down to her. The queen is very large. I was told she can be as big as a grown mans foot. (So gross!). Anyways spot killing the worker termites will not stop your termite problem, only move or repel them temporarily. In order for a termite treatment to be successful you must kill the queen. I met with a couple different termite treatment companies to get two bids and two different opinions (two opinions is always better than one). Most companies use a product called termidor. Termidor is mixed in between two to three hundred gallons of water and is applied to the foundation, almost creating a mote. The idea is to saturate the basement wall of your home. The chemical is also applied to the area where the active termites where found. For us it was in our basement bathroom wall. So the pest control company drilled several holes in our bathroom floor and poured the poison down there. The reason the treatment is done this way is so that the worker termites are exposed to the chemical as they go about their merry way. The chemical does not kill the termites instantly but it is rather a slow process. The chemical is meant to work slowly so that the worker termites get it on them and on the food and they take it right down to the queen. The chemical ruins her reproductive system so she can't produce anymore termites. The worker termites eventually die from the chemical (takes about two weeks) and then the queen starves because the worker termites are no longer bringing her food and she is so big she can't hardly move. Another interesting thing is that the queen uses pheromones to control the worker termites and tells them where to go. When my brother originally found the termites it was mid afternoon and by the evening when I was able to get away and go look at the damage I couldn't find a single termite. They are very sensitive to light etc. But the queen is not likely to send the workers back to the same spot at least for a while. I was also fascinated to learn that the same termite "nest" can infect several homes, not just ours. The pest control guys said that a lot of time several home may have termites but its usually the home that discovers them first that will treat them for everybody.
I did this little illustration to show just how deep down the termite queen is. This picture IS to scale so this is how far down they may have gone in relation to our house. This whole experience has been so fascinating to me. But I really hope we never have to deal with termites again!
Here is a website that has much more information in termites:
My New Job - Holding Paper
My son found his passion today - cutting paper with my scrap booking scissors. The only down side to this is that it take both hands for him to run the scissors so he has me hold the paper. I've been holding paper for almost every free minute, all day :(. Haha silly boy it's painful to watch honestly - just because its so hard for him to work the scissors (it requires using both his chubby little hands).
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Aqua Blue and Yellow Wedding
My sister got married two weeks ago. I loved the colors she chose light blue and yellow. I did the flowers, the bouquet, the boutonniere, corsages, and throw bouquet.
Blue flame on tiki touches.
Here is a picture of the little flower girls in their yellow dresses. I made the dresses and I think they turned out well (no bias!)
Friday, July 20, 2012
San Francisco
We just got back from San Francisco where we spent two fun filled weeks.
Fort Point
Muir Woods
Bath House
Palace of Fine Arts
Palace of Fine Arts
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Our Triplet Stroller
One of the most used and most needed baby items we own is our stroller. We bought a quad stroller because when we go places its still nice to have our two year old still in the stroller. We really liked the Foundations Quad Stroller and we were lucky enough to find one used, and a great deal on it! We are so grateful to the wonderful couple that sold it to us! Here is a picture of all of us in the stroller.
This picture was taken back in December right after we got it.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sunday Afternoon
We went on a little Sunday drive and stopped off at Bridal Veil Falls. We took a tripod and took some family pictures. Look at how big our girls are getting. They are at such a fun age!
Stephan found the only dirt hill and slid down in his nice white shirt. Sooo grateful for oxyclean!
I married such a hottie!
Me and my triplet girls! I'm sooooo lucky!!!!
My new flip flops. I love flip flops and wear them everywhere during the summer and I currantly have only one pair. Rob was so thoughtful and bought these for me on our anniversary. Also please notice the crackle nail polish :) I love crackle nail polish.
Found a great quote. Its a quote that propels me to DO. Not to just be satisfied with "mediocrity". I liked it so much I thought I would post it here.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Five Year Anniversary
Our five year anniversary is coming up this Saturday. What a wonderful five years it has been. I love Rob so much! He is so patient and kind. He is a great man and is able to take all our unique adventures with a touch of humor. He is always the first to know if I need a break or an outing. Thank you Rob for always making me laugh!!!
Sprinkler System
Front yard Sprinkler system on the last stretch!!! I am so excited. We will be planting grass soon. Rob and I have installed it ourselves. I'll post how we did it one of these days.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
My Baby Angels
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Triplets + Church = Organized Religion is So Outdated
Church...ahhh! Could it be anymore work? Today Rob was holding a baby, I was holding a baby, then there was a baby in the stroller next to me (our arms were full) and Stephan spilled his cheerios everywhere, Rob and I were both bending down (remember we were each holding a baby and at the same time trying to keep that baby happy as we picked up cheerios). Lucky for us though I brought a spare bag of cheerios which kept Stephan from a melt down. But right after we finished picking up all the cheerios from the first bag. One of the girls grabbed the second bag of cheerios and flung them everywhere! There was a lot more cheerios this second round. This off course made Stephan upset so he started screaming in frustration. So Rob put down the baby he was holding and ran a screaming Stephan out leaving me with three squirmy, mischievous little girls and a whole mess of cheerios. Beside Libby constantly trying to crawl under the chairs and/or reaching to eat the spilled cheerios or Lily reaching for Lexy's hair somehow I managed till Rob got back.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Orange Polka Dots Everywhere
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