
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Big Move

Yes we have moved! We are excited to be in a four bedroom house now instead of the small two bedroom home that we have resided in for nearly five years. Admittedly we miss our old house very much but are very grateful for our new house with more space. I love putting the girls down in their own room for bed at night and still being able to stay up and finished laundry or dishes without waking them. Yes we love the new house! There is a large Honeylocust tree in the front yard that we attached a swing too - Stephan LOVES it!!! Its almost impossible to get him out without crying. It swings very wide as where its attaches to the tree is almost 20 ft up.
I have a talk in church on Sunday (eeek!). I'm so excited to go back another time to our old ward. We miss it so much! It really was an incredible ward with incredible people. We were definitely meant to be there.

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