
Thursday, May 24, 2012

"How Do You Do It?"

"How Do You Do It?" I must hear this phase at least ten times anytime that i go anywhere with my four kids age 2 and under. I usually just smile and come up with some quick casual statement. But I thought today I would explain just "how" I do it :). For me its simple planning, organizing, and support.
Simple planning: I say that because you just don't have time to "plan" unless its simple. For example while feeding and holding babies I try to come up with five meals that would be good for next week, I write them on a sticky pad on my frig so that when I go grocery shopping I know what we will be eating and the ingredients that those meals take. I usually plan simple meals (Tacos, chicken and rice, potatoes and gravy) things that i know what the ingredients are. If I want to make something more elaborate I put the recipe card in my purse so that when I get to the store I'll know exactly what goes in that recipe. Occasionally I get some free time when the girls are all fed and are either sleeping or playing, Stephan is down for his nap when I get a few moments to myself. Its easy to want to take "me time" but in order to avoid the chaos that comes when everybody wakes up at once crying for food or complaining of a dirty diaper instead I use this "free time" to wash dishes or bottles, mix formula, make babyfood (I make all my own babyfood its much cheaper and healthier), etc. If I don't do these preparations when the babies wake up its very hard, because more than likely they will all be crying at once and rather than have to leave them crying while I spend 15 minutes washing bottles, making food or mixing formula. Instead I'm able to run to the frig and grab their formula or babyfood, which is already ready! Nothing wears on a person (especailly a mother) more than three or even four (Stephan my two year old) babies crying at once. Those are times when you really wish your life was different or you think you might crack. I avoid this situation at all costs.
Organizing: Once all the kids are in bed I tidy up the house, put away toys, do dishes that I didn't get a chance to do, throw in laundry. This way I wake up to a clean house which is such a relief in the morning rush to get everyone fed, diapered and dressed. When I wake up to a messy house usually I don't get a chance to pick it up until mid afternoon. Which is just one more stress that could have been partially avoided. I say partially because it doesn't take long for one two year old to turn a clean house into a mess. But if I can get my house clean at least once a day and see the bottom of my sink at least once a day its a relief and the rest of the challenges are so much more doable. Support: Most important! I could not do it without the support of my husband. He is amazing! When he comes home and senses that I had a rough day he will insist that I get in some "me time" go to the gym, go shopping, go gardening etc. This is wonderful and I'm so grateful for his understanding and support. I couldn't do it without him!

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